Curriculum and Instruction Resources
The Transylvania County School system has four elementary schools.
The Department of Elementary Education supports all instructional programs K-5 and the Afterschool programs in four elementary schools.
It is the goal of our K-5 instruction to provide students with a strong academic foundation for lifelong learning. A comprehensive education is designed and implemented by our knowledgeable staff to ensure the successful growth and development of the whole child.
Transylvania County Elementary Schools will provide instructional opportunities that:
meet academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of our students.
expect academic growth of all students.
focus on preparing students to think critically, work cooperatively, and strive for high standards.
prepare students to meet the challenge of an advanced technological society.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open in all our Elementary Schools. Starting school is an exciting experience for your child, and we want to be sure it is a positive one! We are eager to share the great things happening in our kindergarten program!
To complete the registration process, you will need to provide the following items: 2025-2026 Registration Forms
a copy of your child's birth certificate
a copy of your child's current immunizations
any custodial legal documentation
photo ID
proof of residency (e.g., utility bill)
2025-2026 Registration Forms
If you have a child who will be five (5) years old on or before August 31, 2025, and have not registered him/her, please contact your local school or call the Education Center at (828) 884-6173.
School Supply lists will be available in the summer of 2025.
Brevard Elementary (828) 884-2001, BES website
Pisgah Forest Elementary (828) 877-4481, PFE Website
Rosman Elementary (828) 862-4431, RES Website
T.C. Henderson School of Science and Technology (828) 862-4463, TCH Website
In accordance with Session Law 2021-117, DCDEE has created the Kindergarten School Search tool, which allows families to access the following information:
− The educational opportunities for kindergarten offered by Public Schools
− The educational opportunities for kindergarten offered by Charter Schools
− The educational opportunities for kindergarten offered by Private Schools
− Scholarship information for Private Schools
This information is searchable by school name/school type, as well as by county, city, and/or zip code, and results may be printed or saved as needed.
To search schools, please visit Kindergarten School Search.
La inscripción para Kindergarten para el año escolar 2025-2026 ya está abierta en todas nuestras escuelas primarias. Comenzar la escuela es una experiencia emocionante para su hijo y queremos asegurarnos de que sea positiva. ¡Estamos ansiosos por compartir con usted las grandes cosas que suceden en nuestro programa de kindergarten!
Para completar el proceso de inscripción, deberá proporcionar los siguientes elementos:
Una copia del certificado de nacimiento de su hijo
Una copia de las vacunas actuales de su hijo
Cualquier documentación legal de custodia
Identificación fotográfica
Comprobante de residencia (por ejemplo, factura de servicios públicos)
Si tiene un hijo que tendrá cinco (5) años de edad el 31 de agosto de 2025 o antes, y no lo ha registrado, comuníquese con su escuela local o llame al Centro de Educación al (828) 884-6173.
Documentos de inscripción para kindergarten, en español (Kindergarten Enrollment Documents):
Lista de Materiales del Estudiante (Student Supply List) (para referencia, nuevas listas disponibles en el verano de 2025)
De acuerdo con la Ley de Sesión 2021-117, DCDEE ha creado la herramienta de búsqueda de escuelas de jardín de infantes que permite a las familias acceder a la siguiente información:
− Las oportunidades educativas para jardín de infantes que ofrecen las Escuelas Públicas
− Las oportunidades educativas para kindergarten que ofrecen las Escuelas Chárter
− Las oportunidades educativas para jardín de infantes que ofrecen las Escuelas Particulares
− Información de becas para Colegios Privados
Esta información se puede buscar por nombre de escuela/tipo de escuela, así como por condado, ciudad y/o código postal, y los resultados se pueden imprimir o guardar según sea necesario.
Literacy at Home
Literacy at Home
NC Digital Children's Reading Initiative
Are you interested in increasing family involvement in reading?
Are you looking for foundational reading skill activities that align with the science of reading?