Student Teaching
Transylvania County Schools recognizes the important role of the student teaching experience in the education and professional development of future teachers. The school system values its partnership with regionally accredited colleges and universities in the education and development of future teachers and welcomes the opportunity to host student teaching placements for promising candidates. Transylvania County Schools has established the following procedures governing student teaching placements to ensure that the best interests of the candidate, the university, and the school system are addressed in an efficient and effective manner. Student teachers completing pre-service teaching experiences in schools within our school system remain under the supervision of the supervising college or university and at no time are considered employees or agents of the Transylvania County Board of Education.
The student teaching candidate should complete and submit an online application for student teaching placement by visiting our application portal at website. Choose "Student Teaching" from the list of available opportunities and then click "Apply" to begin the application process. All placement candidates are required to submit a completed College/University Authorization for Placement Form as part of the online application.
Upon receipt of the application for student teaching placement, the Director of Human Resources will seek to find an appropriate student teaching placement for the candidate. All placement considerations will balance the best interests of the candidate, the university, and the school district. Final placement decisions will be made in consultation with the prospective cooperating teacher and the principal at the host school. Interviews may be required when multiple candidates apply for placements with limited availability.
Upon successful placement, the Director of Human Resources will provide confirmation and placement details to the student teaching candidate, his or her university supervisor, the cooperating teacher, and the principal.
Upon notification of a successful placement, the student teaching candidate and his or her university supervisor should contact the cooperating teacher directly to make appropriate arrangements regarding the candidate's student teaching experience.
Transylvania County Schools reserves the right to decline requests for student teaching placements and to terminate student teaching experiences if such actions are appropriate to the best interests of its students.