After School Care
Welcome to the After School Program
Family well-being can be assisted when parents know their children are well cared for. The After School Program is designed to meet this need with a conveniently located, well-staffed site. The program strives to provide both indoor and outdoor recreational activities for your child.
Children will be allowed time to work on homework at parents' request, but the program is not designed to be a tutorial service.
Important Documents
View and download the complete 2024-25 After School Care Parent Handbook English.
After School Care Parent Handbook Spanish.
Download an application form (including medical release). Spanish Application.
Transylvania County Schools presently offers a Before and After School Program at the following school:
Pisgah Forest School Phone: 877-4814
Before School 6:45 am - 7:45 am
After School: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The After School Program begins on the first full student attendance day in August. The program will not operate on scheduled holidays, early dismissals due to inclement weather, or teacher workdays. However, the program will operate on the four scheduled Early Release Days.
State regulations require that students be signed in each day by parent or guardian for before school program.
All students must be signed out by a parent or guardian upon departure.
We may release a child only to parents or to individuals authorized on the emergency form.
We must release students to either parent unless a court order limiting custody is on file with the site director. If your custody situation changes, we will need to have written notification.
The After School Program is not a regular program of the Transylvania County Schools and is not supported by school funds; however, it is directed by the Elementary Grades Curriculum Office. If at any time you have questions or problems, please feel free to contact that office at 884-6173.
The After School Program is licensed by the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Division of Child Development. The program opens with the dismissal of school and closes at 6:00 P.M. Activities include supervised play and organized small group activities. A nutritious meal is served each day provided by Transylvania County Schools Department of Child Nutrition.
The program does not operate on days when students are not in school. If schools close prior to serving lunch, the program does not operate.
Parents must complete enrollment forms plus health and emergency information before a child can be served.
Per Child / Per Day
AM Care - $4.00/Day
PM Care - $12.00/Day