Budget and Financial Information

Adopted Budget Summary

Funding Source




State Public School Fund

$ 26,854,406.98

$ 27,342,183.32

$ 28,469,384.21

Local Current Expense Fund

$ 13,439,972.00

$ 13,322,872.00

$ 13,581,595.00

Federal Grants Fund

$ 14,218,351.00

$ 10,125,978.15

$ 7,511,025.87

Capital Outlay Fund

$ 4,657,595.00

$ 4,538,319.55

$ 4,427,701.69

School Nutrition Fund

$ 2,475,651.00

$ 2,733,653.60

$ 4,760,200.00

State Public School Fund This fund shows the total the State provides us through the "allotment" process. Other state revenue, such as textbook allocations and some small grants, may be recorded in the Local Current Expense Fund.

Local Current Expense Fund This fund records all revenue and expenditures that are not required (or permitted) to be recorded elsewhere. It contains state, federal, and local revenue sources, the largest of which is the local appropriation from Transylvania County.

Federal Grant Programs Fund The fund shows the total of federal grants allotted through the state. Other federal grants may be paid directly to Transylvania County Schools and recorded in the Local Current Expense Fund.

Capital Outlay Fund This fund records all our expenditures for our building program and regular capital outlay items. It is funded by sales tax.

School Nutrition Fund This fund records all the revenue and expenses associated with our Child Nutrition (Food Service) operations. It is funded by federal support through commodities, subsidized meals, and by selling meals and supplemental items to students and staff.

Annual financial reports from 2006 to 2019 are available electronically by contacting the Business Services Department.

FY24 Annual Financial Report

FY23 Annual Financial Report
FY22 Annual Financial Report
FY21 Annual Financial Report
FY20 Annual Financial Report

Annual Expenditure Report

The link below is to the NC Department of Public Instruction website. The reports provided under "Annual Expenditure Report by LEA" are by Session Law 2013-360, Section 8.14, and also address the new chart requirement for FY2015 based on SB97, Section 8.33 (c) (5).

Annual Expenditure Report Link

Required Reporting

To ensure that parents, educators, and the general public are informed on how State funds have been used to address local educational priorities, each local school administrative unit shall publish the following information on its Web site by October 15 of each year:

  1. A description of each program report code, written in plain English, and a summary of the prior fiscal year's expenditure of State funds within each program report code.

  2. A description of each object code within a program report code, written in plain English, and a summary of the prior fiscal year's expenditure of State funds for each object code.

ABC Transfers FY2023

ABC Transfers FY2024

Additionally, a description of each allotment transfer that increased or decreased the initial allotment amount by more than 5% must be published.

Link to DPI Website for More Information and Explanation of Accounts