Substitute Teaching
Transylvania County Schools welcomes applications from individuals who are interested in becoming substitute teachers. Please follow the procedures below to file an application for substitute teaching.
Applying To Become a Substitute Teacher
Submit an online employment application by visiting our application portal at website. Choose "Substitute Teacher" from the list of available vacancies and then click "Apply" to begin your online employment application.
Download and complete a health examination certificate, an employment eligibility verification form, afederal tax withholding form, and a state tax withholding form.
After you have downloaded and completed each of these forms, you may EITHER attach them to your online employment application (preferred) OR contact Micki Guinn at the Morris Education Center to schedule an appointment to deliver those materials.
You will be emailed a link to provide us information and a release to conduct a criminal background check. When the results of your criminal records check are returned to the Morris Education Center, the employment references you listed on your substitute teaching application will be checked.
If you are selected for employment as a substitute teacher, you will be contacted with an appointment to complete a short substitute teacher orientation session.
Upon completion of the orientation session and approval by the Transylvania County Board of Education, you may begin substitute teaching.
For questions about substitute teaching, please contact Micki Guinn by email at Email Micki Guinn or by phone at 828-884-6173.
Note: No new substitute teacher applicants are processed March-June. However, applicants may complete an application during that time in anticipation of working as a substitute during the next school year.
Substitute Teacher Handbook
The Transylvania County Schools Substitute Teacher Handbook, published by the Office of Human Resources, is annually updated to reflect current rules, procedures, resources, and information for the district's substitute teachers.
Current substitute teacher daily pay rates are: $130/day for licensed (hold clear, valid NC Teaching License) or $110/day for non-licensed.
SmartFind Express Substitute Management System
TCS uses an automated system to assign substitute teachers to jobs. The sub line phone number for TCS is 828-348-0027 or you can log in at this link to access the system. Please contact Micki Guinn or the secretary at one of the schools for assistance. You can download the sub user guide for SmartFind Express here