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School Supply Lists
School Nutrition
ALL Transylvania County Schools students will be provided breakfast and lunch at no cost!
We have exciting news for our Transylvania County Schools families: EVERY student will be provided breakfast and lunch each school day at no cost!
This is thanks to Transylvania County Schools participating in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Programs, and the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
Parents will not need to submit free and reduced lunch applications.
Individual and special sales items and extra meals may be purchased with cash or through available funds on students’ accounts. K12 Payment Center is a quick and easy prepayment option to add funds to your student accounts.
We are excited to offer this benefit to our students and families and look forward to serving nutritious meals that fuel our students’ achievement this year!
If you have any questions about this letter, please contact us at Transylvania County Schools Nutrition Office, 828-885-7377.
Parent Portal
PowerSchool's Parent Portal is a service to the parents of our students. The portal provides access to their children's academic records through a secure internet connection. We believe the Parent Portal will enhance communication and support education.
If you have completed a valid Parent Portal Agreement, then click the link below to access the portal.
If you do not already have an account but would like to access the portal, then please get in touch with your child's school about completing the Parent Portal Agreement.
Mobile App:
Android - Coming Soon
Apple - Coming Soon