Career Clusters / Pathways

NC Career Exploration

North Carolina Career Exploration Guide -

Career clusters are groups of occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills. Each cluster contains several smaller groups called career pathways that connect to educational programs, industries, and careers.

While a career cluster paints a broad picture of a group of occupations, a pathway helps you focus on and develop a clear, more informed educational plan over time. The structure of the National Career Clusters Framework of 16 career clusters and 73 related career pathways supports your growing career awareness and exploration.

*All students have access to every cluster offered by TCS through dual enrollment at all locations.

*Clusters are linked to and pathways are linked to the NC CTE Course Management System.

Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Cluster  @BHS/RHS

Animal Science (ANSC) Pathway

Natural Resources (NARE) Pathway

Plant Systems (PLSV) Pathway

Architecture & Construction Cluster @BHS/RHS

Carpentry (CARP) Pathway

Drafting Architectural (DRFA) Pathway

Interior Design (INDE) Pathway

Masonry (MASO) Pathway

Arts, A/V, Technology & Communications Cluster @BHS

3D Modeling and Animation (TDMA) Pathway

Adobe Academy (ADAC) Pathway

Business Management & Administration Cluster @BHS/RHS

Entrepreneurship (ENTRE) Pathway

Health Science Cluster @BHS/RHS

Healthcare Professional Pathway (HPCP)

Hospitality & Tourism Cluster @BHS/RHS

Culinary Arts Applications (CULA) Pathway

Hospitality and Tourism Management (HOTM) Pathway

 Information Technology Cluster @BHS

Computer Science Principles Pathway (CSPR)

Marketing Cluster @BHS/RHS

Marketing Management (MMGT) Pathway

Sales (PRSM) Pathway @BHS

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Cluster @BHS

Technology Engineering and Design (TEND) Pathway

Career and College Promise (CCP) Pathways @ Blue Ridge Community College

Education & Training Cluster

Finance Cluster

Government & Public Administration Cluster

Human Services Cluster

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Cluster

Manufacturing Cluster

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Cluster