Volunteer Handbook

Before starting your first volunteer task with Transylvania County Schools, we ask all volunteers to be aware of the following points:

  • Report to the office to sign in and out, every time you perform volunteer service at your school.

  • Wear identification badges provided by the school while participating in volunteer activities.

  • As a courtesy to others, please turn off cell phones while engaged in your volunteer duties.

Volunteer Responsibilities

Be responsible and safe -- always put children first.

Always follow the correct emergency safety procedures as outlined by the school.
Always follow the correct fire safety procedures:

  • There is no talking during fire drills.

  • When in a classroom, follow the teacher out of the building and stay with the class.

  • When not with a student, quietly exit the building and remain at a safe distance from the building until notified that it is safe to return.

If you are taking food into school, please check with the class teacher or school administration as some foods may be inappropriate for children with food allergies.

Be professional. Set up a preliminary conference with your teacher or appropriate school contact to discuss scheduling and duties. Teachers plan around your help so please adhere to the schedule. Call the school office in advance if you need to cancel your volunteer time on a particular day.

Communicate with designated staff members to ensure clear expectations, task assignments, and feedback on volunteer activity.

Under no circumstances should ongoing instruction be interrupted. If you have questions wait until there is an appropriate moment.

Respect that a teacher 's desk and/or work area is private.

Volunteers shall exercise mature judgment in supervising children and shall in all instances respect each student 's rights and privacy. Volunteers should discuss any concerns regarding students directly and exclusively with the supervising teacher or the school administrator.

As a volunteer you may well be working closely with children, sometimes on a one to one basis. If you are working with a pupil on his/her own, always ensure that the door is left open, or that you and the student are visible to others.

All those who come into contact with children through their every day work, whether paid or voluntary, are responsible for their own actions and behavior and should avoid any conduct which would lead a reasonable person to question their motivation or intentions. We all have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children.

Volunteers May Not Engage in the Following:

  • You may not discipline students. Please work closely with your teacher or school administrator if discipline issues arise.

  • You may not administer medications to students.

  • You may not drive school and/or activity buses.

  • Under NO circumstances is a student to be taken off of the school premises unless directed by the school administrator.

  • You may not access student records.

  • You may not photograph students (unless requested to by the supervising teacher or school administration.)

  • You may not exchange e-mails, text messages, phone numbers or give out your own personal details with students.